Tuesday, January 13, 2009

21 years of existence..

"All life is is three or four big days that change everything."
Riding in Cars with Boys...Drew Berrymore

How true is that quote? Is it too soon to believe in it now? Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for sure, this day, my 21st birthday, the true ending to my child-like youth, is one of those big days. And in fact, what I believe is that life is full of moments that change it periodically. In turn those moments shape your past, present, and future, in other words, your life.

Ok ok, enough of the philosophical statements. I'M 21! And although I don't feel as enthralled as I thought I would, it still feels good. This is the first birthday of mine where I instantly feel the age. Don't know if its a good thing or not but uh, its different. And you know what, right about now, different feels good.

My wonderful parents, brother and grandmother started off my b-day with a surprise @ 12; complete with my fave ice cream cake listed in my wish list! :-D CARVELLLL!

They made me feel so special, I cried. Yea, I'm a real sappy one. lol.

Shout out to my lil bro for planning the whole thing! Being the mother that she is, my mom gave me a tiara along with some birthday decor for saturday. Oh yea, and lets not forget the moohlah! ;-) Shopping!!!

So now i'm off to bed ready to continue the rest of my day with a couple of my girls and bookie, in a short few hours.

*More to come*
♥ ♥---> Staize XOXO

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