Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco De Mayo/Congrats

Thats why I strive for it
Diss me and you’ll never hear a reply for it
Any awards show or party I'll get fly for it
I know that its comin', I just hope I’m alive for it


Hola! Feliz Cinco De Mayo!
And finally, the long wait is over!

Drizzy Drake is SIGNED! Congrats Wheelchair Jimmy..lol. According to sources from the Pinboard blog, Drake is officially signed to Mowtown Universal, which also houses KiD CuDi and Asher Roth. It's always great to see a good artist getting a good break. All the best Drizzy, with ya cute ass ;-) (inside joke) lol.

Last note: I won't be able to float by any bars tonite, got this paper to finish. But just as my PSA for the day: Don't get too pissy drunk peoples. Tommorrow is another day. lol

♥--->Staize XOXO

via Pinboard

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Dat New New"

They call me New New cuz I always rock the new new shit
Lauren London...ATL

Hey peoples,
So I've been peeping a couple blogs in my free time for a bit of inspiration. I went to the common blog site, entitled: ThinkCommon. I must say, his entries were quite interesting. I peeped a couple photos of inventions or "new new" ish from other countries. These three items peaked my interests the most:

They're called Ocean Runners, a new gym shoe by Greedy Genius. They remind me of mix between Sperrys and Creative Recs. Com said there was no set release date, but in aggreement with him, I think they're quite dope. What do you think?

Trying to lose weight but falling victim to cravings? Why not take a WHIF of some chocolate?! lol This is something I need. As ya'll already know, I'm trying to get right for the summer, but chocolate will forever be my weakness. What a happy medium this product is :-). These smelly little treats are supposed to satisfy your craving for chocolate with just one sniff, or whif, of its scent. Created by Havard professor David Edwards, this tasty delight should be available this month in flavors mint chocolate, rasberry chocolate, mango chocolate, and good ole plain chocolate. Yummy :-p

For all my urban artists, supposedly, this is the new era of Graffiti. Wii plans to release a new game in which you spray paint with the wiispray (can)! I think this is so ill. Having a lil brother that skateboards and lives for all game consoles, I know he'll be extra siced to hear about this. I'm sure it'll be a huge hit.

Well kiddos, I have a huge paper due in a couple days among my other 50 million assignments. So this is me signing off...

♥--->Staize XOXO
via ThinkCommon
PS: All this tech talk has me feening to play The Sims. :-D