Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just wanna have fun♥

Girls just wanna have fun...especially on their 21st birthdays!

Sooo... Just found out that a couple of my plans will have to be deaded for my b-day. :-\ BLOWN.
You know, I was just watching the Good Lovin by Slim & Ryan Leslie & Fabolous video gettin a tad angered. The setting of the video reminded me of how i wanted to spend my birthday. All I was banking on doing for my 21st birthday was being a lady and sippin on something pretty while lookin siditty with my gurls. And later... coming home to my boyfriend. ;-) lol

BUT NOOOOO, that can't happen. Guess we'll have to go to a shitty ass club that we've already been to with everyone bunched up. I could go to LOVE, which is probably the nicest 18 and up club in DC, pero.... I dun wanna. :-( Call me spoiled but I did that my 19th year. And frankly, LOVE can be for the birds sometimes.

Welp, in other news. I would like to list the things I absolutely have to do even if that means not to party:
1. See my bookers and "celebrate" my b-day
2. Spend time w/ mi familia on my actual birthday
4. See the Notorious movie
5. *Last But Not Least* Enjoy MY DAY, with LITTLE TO NO STRESS!

Don't know if it'll happen that way, but it would be nice. Some other things that would be *nice* would be the following:
1. A new pair of glasses
2. To drink a bahama mama, godiva liquor drink, nice champagne, and/or NUVO
3. and..World Peace

lol I guess the last one was a lil extra, but hey its a wish list!

Wow this blogging is addicting lol.

♥--->Staize XOXO


Anonymous said...

very amazing =]
when's your bday?
(I guess I COULD look on FB for that! lol)

missmyahofIVL said...

hahahaha i can picture u saying all of this.
ur blogginggg =)